Martha Tilaar Group To Launch The 2nd G Challenges Book


For bussines sustainability, inheritage the throne to the second generation is a regular decision in a family company. Even though, this leadership shifting is not always an easy option to do for the second generation. Inspired by this fact, on June 27, 2016, Martha Tilaar Group has launched its latest book called The 2nd G Challenges. This book talked about how the second generation leader of family company could reach a sustainable succeed.

Book that is written by four authors who has competency in their field, they are Bryan Tilaar, Samuel Pranata, Yuswohadi, and Dyah Hasto Palupi, bring a real inspiring story from 14 family company leaders in Indonesia. These leaders are Irawati Setiady (Kalbe), Arianto Rachmat (Triputro Group), Maya Watono (Dwi Sapta Group), Shinta Kamdani (Sintesa Group), Michael Wanandi (Combiphar), Annette Anhar (Tugu Hotles & Restaurans Group), Junius Rahardjo (Javaplant), Teresa Wibowo (Kawan Lama Group), Dimas Buntoro (MAK), Svida Alisjahbana (Femina Group), Noni Purnomo (Blue Bird Group), Ivan Kamadjaja (Pan Brothers) and Wulan Tilaar (Martha Tilaar Group).

Said by Bryan Tilaar on the book review event that held at Exodus Lounge, Jakarta, challenges that will be faced by the second generation are not necessarily to be worried because it can be handled by the a business management strategy. “Things should be realized by every second generation are their behavior, attitude, and competency,” he says.

Adding Bryan Tilaar statement, Samuel Pranata says that passion is what second generation must have in order to lead the company. “We do really hope this book can inspire next generation who wants to built a sustainable family business,” he says.