Martha Tilaar Group Hold Mass Exodus For Its Employee


 Idul Fitri is one the most anticipated moments for moslem, including moslem employees in Martha Tilaar Group. Idul Fitri, or common said with Lebaran day, is a victorious moment for moslem to celebrate and also time for them to gather with family at home or hometown. To fasilitate the employee who wants to celebrate Idul Fitri in their hometown, Martha Tilaar Group held mass exodus, Musik (Mudik Asyik).

Hundred of employees and their family are departing from Martha Tilaar Group office in Pulogadung by 4 buses. Before they go, there was a ceremony of departure which done by the representative of board of directors, Handiwidjaja and Kilala Tilaar. This annual event become a part of company service towards the employee needs dan hopfully can facilitate them to enjoy Idul Fitri with family.