Sariayu to Support Bunga Penutup Abad Theatre
The Titimangsa Foundation in collaboration with Titian Penerus Bangsa Foundation presents Bunga Penutup Abad on August 25-27, 2016, at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. Bunga Penutup Abad (The Flower That Ends a Century) is a theatre performance which adapted from Pramoedya Ananta Toer novel, Bumi Manusia dan Anak Semua Bangsa (This Earth of Mankind and Child of All Nations). Bunga Penutup Abad is dedicated to reminisce the 10 years death of the writer.
Bunga Penutup Abad is played by promising Indonesian actors, Happy Salma as Nyai Ontosoroh, Reza Rahardian as Minke, Chelsea Islan as Annelies, and Lukman Sardi as Jean Marais, and directed by Wawan Sofan who directs some theatre performance before, like Mereka Memanggilku Nyai Ontosoroh (They Call Me Nyai Ontosoroh), Monolog Inggit (Inggit Monologue), Musikal Sangkuriang (Sangkuriang Musical), Rumah Boneka (The Doll House) dan Subversif (Subversive).
Under Martha Tilaar Group umbrella, Sariayu as one of Indonesia local cosmetic brand feel proud to support Bunga Penutup Abad as official makeup partner. In collaboration with Yudin and Sendy from 1st Agency, Sariayu Color Trend 2016 Inspirasi Krakatau enlivening the characters of Bunga Penutup Abad. According to Beatrix Wijaya as Sariayu Brand Manager for decorative, this support is not only to give appreciation to kid nation’s work, but also to give support and encourage theatre as Indonesia wealth to be recognized by the young generation.