Wulan Tilaar and 15 Inpiring Women on Women of Influence


On Thursday, October 7, 2016, Wulan Tilaar has chosen as one of 16 influencing and inspiring women in culture, creative, and fashion world by France lifestyle department store, Galeries Lafayette Jakarta. With Annisa Pohan, Nicoline Patricia Malina, Mari Elka Pangestu, Ghea Panggabean, Amanda Soekasah, Janna Soekasah Joesoef, Wulan Guritno, Sendy Yusuf, Susan Budihardjo, Mariko Tampi Budiman, Atilah Soeryadjaya, Novita Yunus, Henni Adli, Natalia Sutrisno Tjahja, and Poppy Dharsono, Wulan Tilaar acknowledged as Indonesia woman who give contribution to life, not only to women, but also to society in general.

Wulan Tilaar chosen for her contribution for cultural development through a house of culture in Gombong, Kebumen, Central Java, called Roemah Martha Tilaar. Established since 2014, Roemah Martha Tilaar becomes a house of culture which is fuction as a place to hold Indonesia cultural and traditional activities for all people in Gombong and around the city, who wants to hold cultural, education, to art activities. 

All the inspiring women are presented through a signature program owned by Galeries Lafayette Jakarta, called Bravo Madame! Women of Inspiration that has launched on October 6, 2016 at Pasific Place, Jakarta. The spirit of every inspiring woman is shown through a special window display which can be seen at Galeries Lafayette, Pasific Place. This window will be displayed for a month untul November 6, 2016.