Many Supports and Appreciation in Wonderful Life Gala Premiere


Prior to the screening day in all cinemas on October 13, Sariayu and the member of consotium held Wonderful Life Gala Premiere at Plaza Senayan, Jakarta, on October 10, 2016. Attended by 1.600 audience, the Gala Premiere also enlivened by Indonesian celebrities and VIP guest such as Veronica Tan, Harry Darsono, and Wulan Tilaar.

In this opportunity, some casts of the movie like Atiqah Hasiholan, Sinyo, to Alex Abad and the creative team such as Rio Dewanto, Handoko Hendroyono, Angga Dwi Sasongko, Amalia Prabowo, and Agus Makkie specially greet all the invitation and the audience who come to give support and appreciation to Wonderful Life movie. 

Wonderful Life is a family movie produced by Visinema Pictures that adopted by a true story of Amalia Prabowo, the author of Wonderful Life book. This movie tells about the journey of Amalia who trying so hard to “heal” her dyslexic son, Aqil. Along the journey, instead of healing him, she surprisingly found his talent and her biggest fear of losing her son.

In the community, dyslexia or difficulty in learning to read or intrepret words, letters, and other symbols probably often to find, but cannot be denied that there are some part of the community in Indonesia who still lack of this genetic condition. Therefor, movie that is a beginning of a movement called Be Wonderful Movement presented by Sariayu Martha Tilaar, hoped will be an inspiration to every woman, especially mother, to ingeniously addressing dyslexia which can affect family and children’s social life, and become an agent of change for family to a better direction.       

Find out the appreciation and support that the community give to Wonderful Life movie here:


A video posted by Martha Tilaar Group (@martha_tilaar) on Oct 11, 2016 at 11:38pm PDT