Martha Tilaar Group in First IMAE


IMAE or International Make-Up Artist Expo has held for the very first time in this 2016, December 2-4, 2016 to be exact at Balai Kartini, Jakarta. IMAE is the first International expo in Indonesia that combines together make-up exhibition, make-up shows and make-up workshops. IMAE brings only the best make-up artists, educators, beauty brands, services and retailers that are well known locally and Internationally.

Through Sariayu, PAC, Martha Tilaar Group Puspita Martha International Beauty School, and Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, as its four backbone brands, Martha Tilaar Group took part on this heaven of beauty enthusiast. Not only offering special promo, but they also held beauty workshop and demo. Sariayu presented two young makeup artists, Kiki Lutan and Franky Wu on its booth, while PAC presented international makeup artist, Justin Henry, and talented makeup artist Mukti Lim and Tahnee Anandari a.k.a Tukang Lenong Keliling. Beside giving makeup demo on IMAE Stage, PAC also presented Justin Hendry to share some beauty skill in SpotFree Expose Beauty Workshop. Anyone of you attend to IMAE 2016?  


IMAE or International Make-Up Artist Expo has held for the very first time in this 2016, December 2-4, 2016 to be exact at Balai Kartini, Jakarta.  IMAE is the first International expo in Indonesia that combines together make-up exhibition, make-up shows and make-up workshops. IMAE brings only the best make-up artists, educators, beauty brands, services and retailers that are well known locally and Internationally.