Congratulation Natasha Mannuela! We Are So Proud of You


To be the respresentative of Indonesia, Natasha Mannuela placed in Runner Up 2 Miss World 2016 which held in Maryland, United State (18/12). With her beauty, brain, and concern to the society, this young woman who is currently take a business school also earned Beauty With A Purpose, where should compete with other participants from India, Philippines, and Kenya. It’s indeed a high achievement for a young woman of Indonesia.

Natasha’s journey to this prestigious Miss World 2016 started by winning Miss Indonesia 2016 as the respresentative of Bangka Belitung. And with so many provisions in general insights and ethics by Miss Indonesia Foundation pioneered by Liliana Tanoesoedibjo and beauty provision by Sariayu Martha Tilaar, Natasha proves that Indonesia woman could compete well in global world.

It’s an honor that Sariayu could always give support for Natasha, from quarantine process in Miss Indonesia 2016 to Miss World 2016. Hopefully her achievements will bring her steps to be an inspiration to Indonesia, especially for Indonesian women.