In Collaboration with Sariayu, Navy Labor Outsourcing Agency Held Beauty Workshop


In order to give beauty training for its member, Navy Labor Outsourcing Agency with Martha Tilaar Group held a beauty class in Denma Mabesa Cilangkap Auditorium. This training is a part of the Navy activity that take concern to Navy member who about to enter the retirement. One of the activities is to give training that can be utilized in the future.  

Supported by Sariayu Martha Tilaar, 150 participants that consists of Jalasenastri member, Korps Wanita, and female civil servants get so many tips and tricks about makeup and beauty from Martha Tilaar Group tutor team. Jalasenastri is an organization that  shades wifes of Navy National Army of Indonesia (TNI) that lead by a General Chairwoman who is also the wife of Navy Chief of Staff (KASAL). This time, the General Chairwoman of Jalasenastri is Endah Ade Supandi.

As an appreciation to this training program, Vice Chairwoman of Martha Tilaar Group, Wulan Tilaar, also attended this event and give her speech. “Hopefully, this collaboration will become one of Martha Tilaar Group’s real contributions to Jalasenasri and we also hope that in the future we could continue to sharie some good knowledge especially about beauty to the society,” says Wulan.