Diany Pranata Launched a Marriage Life Book


Last Tuesday (22/02), Founder of Mahligai Wedding Organizer and Belladonna magazine, Diany Pranata, launched her latest book about marriage life. Book called Filosofi Kue Pancong 2 contains her family value and marriage life that hoped could give inspiration to Indonesia familt to deal with problems in marriage life.

“Dabbling in wedding world from 17 years through a wedding organizer and Belladonna, I think it’s important to me to share some inspirations to other. Beside I believe, family is a forerunner of a government, so this is the contribution of Belladonna for the society,” says Diany in lauching day of Filosofi Kue Pacong at Rumah Imam Bonjpl, Menteng, Jakarta. According to her, Filosofi Kue Pancong 2 also inspired by family problems and her marriage. She also dedicated her book for her mother, Ratna Pranata, Co-Founder Martha Tilaar Group, who give her so many inspirations and supports in her marriage life. 

The tittle of Filosofi Kue Pancong was taken accidentally by Diany, after she read a book. “I think, pancong cake not only have a delicious taste, it’s a light muchies in Indonesia and easy to share. So I hope, what my book will be a writing that easy to read, inspired, and can be read per chapter,” explain Diany when she asked about the story of the book tittle. “And coincidentally, this cake is my mother’s favourite munchies,” she continues with a light laugh.