Two Decades of Bogor Botanical Garden Press Conference


As one of the oldest botanical garden in South East Asia, Bogor Botanical Garden –Kebun Raya Bogor (KRB), will hit 2 decades of age on May 18, 2017. Before the celebration day, Indonesia Science Institute called LIPI through Plant Conservation Center (PKT) of Botanical Garden or also known as KRB held press conference of Two Decades of Bogor Botanical Garden Anniversary Pra Event at Conservation Building of Bogor Botanical Garden (12/05).

The press conference opened by Didik Widyatmoho’s speech. As Head of Plant Conservation Center LIPI, he reminds about KRB role as rare Indonesia flora conservation center. “One of endangered Indonesia plants is orchid and we commit to do conservation to this species,” says Didik. He added that orchid conservation status at KRB is rare or endangered, this is why conservation is important, form the discovery of new species, multply seeds,  explore its benefits, to reintroduction to natural habitat of orchid. “For this efforts, we huddle up our stakeholders, like Indonesia Orchid Association, PT Pos Indonesia, and PT Martina Berto Tbk,” says Didik.

Come as one of the speakers on this press conference with some respresentative of other stakeholders, Samel Pranata as CSR, CCom, & Standard Prosedure Director of Martha Tilaar Group express his proud feeling that this company could involve in 200 years of Kebun Raya Bogor anniversary. “This is also part of Beauty Green and Beautifying Indonesia from Martha Tilaar Group. Our concern is to always beautifying Indonesia, not only in term of Indonesia women, but alsi Indonesia nature,”  says Samuel. “Especially in orchid preservation, which is close to Mrs. Martha. One of orchid specieces called Coelogyne marthae, named after Dr.(H.C) Martha Tilaar from The National Herbarium of the Netherlands for her dedication in established  Martha Tilaar Professorial Chair at Leiden Universty in 2000 and also for her contribution in nature preservation, including orchid preservation.”

 Related to Indonesia orchid preservation effort, one of main agendas in Two Decades of Kebun Raya Bogor Anniversary is postage stamp launching, in collaboration with PT Pos Indonesia and Indonesia Ministry of Informatics  and Communication. This special series of stamp will be the most series that ever launched, 34 pieces of orchid from Indonesia provices, including  Coelogyne marthae, which is will be printed 100.000 sheets. Said bt the representative of PT Pos Indonesia, 10% of the postage stamp sales will be donated for orchid conservation.