Four Buses for Martha Tilaar Group Mudik Asik 2017
Di penghujung bulan suci Ramadhan, sudah menjadi tradisi bagi sebagian besar masyaraka Indonesia untuk kembali ke kampung halaman atau mudik. Untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan karyawan yang ingin mudik, tahun ini Martha Tilaar Group kembali mengadakan kegiatan mudik bersama, Mudik Asik. Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, pada Mudik Asik 2017 ini Martha Tilaar Group kembali menyediakan bus untuk karyawan yang ingin menghabiskan liburan hari raya Idul Fitri di daerah asalnya.
Mudik Asik 2017 provides four buses for 238 employess, including their family, who participated, with two different route, North and South. North route is meliputi Jakarta – Cirebon – Semarang – Solo – Wonogori, meanwhile South route is Jakarta – Bandung – Gomblong – Yogyakarta – Wonosari. Said by the director of Martha Tilaar Group, his mudik activity is a manifestation of company’s concern to its employee. “One of the objectives of this event is so that our employees should not have to go back to their hometown with motorcycle, which is accident prone, in the other hand mudik will be more safe if they go by bus we provided. Besides, this activity will tighten their friendship between the employees,†says Handiwidjaja that afternood.
This event are also attended by board of director of Martha Tilaar Group Handiwidjaja, Kilala Tilaar, Samuel Pranata, and Kunto Widarto. Hopefully this Mudik Asik 2017 could bring goodness and benefits for Martha Tilaar Group’s employees. Happy holiday!