Technology & Research Ministry and MTIC Announced Ristekdikti-MTIC Award 2017


After passing through several selection process, Ristekdikti-MTIC Award 2017’s judges eventually announced three winners on its peak event, on previous Wednesday (2/8). Took place at Patra Jasa building, Gatot Subroto, Jakarta, this peak event of Ristekdikti-MTIC Award 2017 opened with Corporate Creative and Innovative Martha Tilaar Group’s speech, Kilala Tilaar.

“For raw materials, our indusrty are still relying on import, whereas Indonesia has plenteous potential natural resources, therefore we need to colaborate to deal with this problem. However we have responibility to manage Indonesia natural resources and use it as sources of livelihood, so we could be host in our own country,” says Kilala on his speech.

Ristekdikti-MTIC Award is a scientific competition held every once in five years since 2007. The objection of this competition is to support Indonesia scientist and to encourage reasearch development in Indonesia. This year, there are 39 submissions received by the judge team, but based on the assesment criteria (Indonesia related, natural, innovative and ready to be implemented), there chosen three best winners. “Martha Tilaar Innovation Centre (MTIC) are really appreciate our researchers, especially young researchers who have done this research for Ristekdikti-MTIC Award 2017,” Kilala continues.

The announcement and awarding ceremony of Ristekdikti-MTIC is done by the Minister of Technology and Research of Indonesia, Ir. Mohamad Nasir. The winners are Beni Lestari, S. Farm., Apt as the first winner, Prof. Enos Tangke Arung, Ph.D as the second winner dan Dr.dr. Puguh Riyanto, SpKK as the third winner. In the future, these three science work are ecpected to give real contribution to health and beauty world. And so, these are they work:

1.Yellow Pumpkin Seed for Ageless Active Woman, as Preventive Agent for Menopause Sindrome, Osteoporosis, Dislipidemia and Senescence
Researcher       : Beni Lestari, S. Farm., Apt
Researcher team : Laeli Muntafiah, Drh. Retno Murwanti, M.P., Ph.D, Prof. Dr. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si., Apt 

2.Grass Jelly (Premna oblongifolia. Merr) Leaves Extract Potency as Anti Acne and Skin Brightening Ingredien
Researcher          : Prof. Enos Tangke Arung, Ph.D
Researcher team    : Prof. Kuniyoshi Shimizu, Ph.D, Arif Yudo, Caesarina Nanda Puteri

3.The Benefit of 1% Soybean Isofalavon Cream as Vukgaris Anti Acne (Local Soybean, Grobogan, Central Java)
 Researcher        : Dr.dr. Puguh Riyanto, SpKK, FINSDV
 Researcher team    : Prof. Dr. Dr. Prasetyowati, Spkk, Dr. Bambang Cahyono, Msi, dr. Rosa Lelyana, MsiMed, Drs. Suharjono