DKI Jakarta and Yogyakarta Representative Chosen as ASEAN Young Ambassador 2017


Final night of ASEAN Young Ambassador 2017 has held last Tuesday (29/08) at Balai Sarbini, Jakarta.  After going through several assessment, finally, the representative of DKI Jakarta province Wendra Tandribali and Yogyakarya provice Scholastika Asyana chosen as ASEAN Young Ambassador 2017. Not because of their intelligence only, but also because of their consistence and confident performance since the beginning of best 10 qualifying moment.

“Before we uniting ASEAN, we must learn first. Learn to understand the culture and habit of ASEAN citizen, so we could implementing tolerancy between us. I hope, this willingness to learn and being tolerant between ASEAN citizen can be implemented by all young generation and all quarters od the society including housewife, farmer, fisherman, everybody,” says Westra on his six best qualifying question and answer session.  

It is, presenting Chairwoman Martha Tilaar Group Wulan Tilaar, Jose Taraves (Dirjen Kerja Sama ASEAN), Reza Rahardian (UNDP Indonesia SDGs Mover), Najwa Shihab (News Presenter), and Tyovan Widagdo (CEO BAHASO, Forbes 30 Under 30), ASEAN Young Ambassador commited to look for young generation of Indonesia with good knowledge of ASEAN and regional development, and willing to promote ASEAN to Indonesia people, especially to its young generation.

“Although there are two winners from ASEAN Young Ambassador 2017 tonight, but to us, all province representative are the winner,” says Jose at the end of the event.  He hopes that every of them could become a role model who will open the eyes of other citizen about the importance of having ASEAN knowledge to Indonesia development, tolerance, and resilience.

That night, all ASEAN Young Ambassador 2017 candidate perform so beautifully with their traditional appareal supported bt Cipta Busana Martha Tilaar and their Bhinneka Tunggal Ika look enhanced by makeup from Sariayu as part of supporting event team.