Inspired by Dr. Martha Tilaar, Yogyakarta Womenpreneur Visited PT Martina Berto


Nowadays, there are a lot of more women who jump into entrepreneur world. From beauty, fashion, to foods, women are getting great in actualizing her career path. Martha Tilaar Group is really supporting this, it’s in line with one of company’s pillars, Empowering Women pillar. Martha Tilaar Group honored to welcome 15 member of Mustoko Putri last Tuesday (03/10) when they visited PT Martina Berto Tbk.    

“We are a community from Yogyakarta whose member is consist of women entrepreneurs, from batik and lurik garment, catering, beauty, and even dancer from Yogyakarta palace,” says Ida Fitri, leader of the group. Admitted by her, this visitation of Mustoko Putri that day not only to visit Martha Tilaar’s museum and factory but also to meet Dr.(H.C) Martha Tilaar who become their inspiration. “Dr. Martha really is an inspiration to us. Her positive aura somehow like motivation that encourage us to build our business. Moreover, we do hope that today’s visitation could open any kind of sustainable opportunities that might run in the future,” she continues.

Before they go to museum and factory, Dr. Martha is welcoming Mustoko Putri at her office. After taking great conversation, Dr. Martha also share her success story from the very beginning she start her business, 47 years ago. “To be a successful entrepreneur, don’t be easily satisfied. We must continue developing our potency and  business to be more innovative. Furthermore, we are in the era when business grows so fast, so there will be so many competitions. Don’t be afraid, as long as we always developing ourselves,” says Dr. Martha. This visitation is getting more exciting with beauty class as its highlight. Chaperoned by Martha Tilaar Group’s professional makeup artist, Mustoko Putri mamber learn to do makeup for daily activity.