Beautifying Indonesia Writing Competition Announcement Day
Some time ago, Martha Tilaar Group in collaboration with IWasHere Networks held a writing competition “Beautifying Indonesiaâ€. This theme is chosen not only to explore the beauty of Indonesian women. Moreover, Beautifying Indonesia ask young generation to see and feel deeper about Indonesia nature, culture, tradition, and humble heart of its people that makes this country beautiful.
This Beautifying Indonesia writing competition was held for a month, from September to October 2017. During 30 days, there are 184 submissions that currated by IwasHere team. After going through several assesment, on last Saturday (14/10) three names finally announced as the winners. They are Yokhanan Prasetyono “Cobek Kebaikan Mak Nuri†(Mak Nuri’s Kindness Mortar), Esa Khairini “Merayakan Kebebasan bersama Baduy Luar†(Celebrate Freedom with Baduy Luar), and Yuki Anggia “Ma’nene, Sebuah Ritual Mempercantik Jenazah Toraja Utara†(Ma’nene, a North Toraja’s Ritual to Prettify Corpse). The three stories can be read here
Not only to announce writing competition result, IWasHere Networks also held a creative writing class with Windy Ariestanty, CEO of IWasHere Networks and Alexander Thian, a writer and content creator. In this class, speakers share their creative writing tips and stories to all IWH Room participants who came that day.