Three Years of Its Existence, Roemah Martha Tilaar Consistence to Advance Gombong


It was started with an aspiration of Wulan Tilaar, Vice Chairwoman Martha Tilaar Group, to embody Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar’s dream to preserve and develope culture her native land, now Roemah Martha Tilaar (RMT) in Gombong has hit its third year. Doesn’t want to be just a place that is easy to forget, RMT is developed with such plans in order to give many beneficial functions to the society.

At first, Roemah Martha Tilaar was initiated with aim to preserve an old building with added value for people around it, but now RMT is not only a culture house with history tour of Martha Tilaar Group, but becoming a place to share insights, informations, and experiences for society and communities in Gombong and around it. RMT also participated in programs that will improve economy, social, culture, to women and community empowerment.   

According to Sigit Asmodiwongso, Manager of Roemah Martha Tilaar, so many challenges should be overcome since RMT is opened. “On December 6, Roemah Martha Tilaar celebrate its 3rd anniversary, since the first time we open this place, we do had so many challanges. To build public perception that RMT is participative empowerment place, not just a creative place; how to encourage community to be more initiative in society development; and to built RMT image in connecting relation for various religion and group are some of the challenges that, slowly but sure, we could overcome. Of course, we still need to learn and strugle in developing RMT,” says Sigit.

Until today, RMT always consistent to hold culture festival such as Cap Go Meh Festival, Earth and Traditional Game Festival, and Kriya Party. These annual event are hoped could be part of cultural preservation and economic growth in Gombong. For more information about any kind of activity in RMT, visit Roemah Martha Tilaar at Jl. Sempor Lama No.28 54412 Gombong, Kebumen, Central Java or click