Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar Gratitude on Her 54th Wedding Anniversary


Last Friday (12/10), Griya Cipta Wanita room in PT Martina Berto Tbk looks so crowded. Dozen of employee, board of director, and family, are gathered to celebrate Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar and Prof. Alex Tilaar 54th wedding anniversary. It was a quite bright evening for us.

To Martha Tilaar Group family, this couple is a role model and an inspiration, for 54 years they fill and complete each other. In so many occations, Dr. Martha sometimes tells story about her journey with Prof. Alex. “I have so many ideas, yet I have to admit that I am not a clever person. Alex is the opposite, my x-boyfriend really loves to read, book is like his second wife,” says Dr. Martha one day. “He always encourage me to record my thoughts, through a book. I really grateful,” she continued.

Prof. Alex is also one of those who gives abundance support and loyalty for Martha Tilaar Group’s business and Dr. Martha achievements. He shown his support by attending some of Martha Tilaar Group’s events. As his love expression to his wife, he sometimes caught lowkey taking pictures of Dr. Martha. Well, that day, in simple yet warm celebration, Martha Tilaar Group family gladly showering Dr. Martha and Prof. Alex with best wishes, including Wulan Tilaar, who also save this happy moment in her social media account. We do hope that this harmonious will always be an inspiration to everyone. Happy annyversary!


wulan tilaar