Modern Concept of 76th Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa


Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa has lauched its latest outlet (19/01). This outlet offically launched by Vice Chairwoman of Martha Tilaar Group and Director of Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, Wulan Tilaar, and her partner franchice, Rosiana Halim. The outlet itself has a little bit of different concept with another Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa outlets. Still with a light touch of ethnic decoration and warm earthy athmospher, the 76th Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa is designed with much more modern look.

 According to Wulan, the aim of modern concept is to attract the attention of young customers. “We hope that modern concept of Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Greenville will be able to give more comfortable and relaxing spa experience to our young customers. We believe our authentic Indonesia spa service that mixed with modern visual will be able to enjoy by various customers,” she says.

Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Greenville has 4 single spa room and 2 semi couple room completed with bath tub and shower, and some facilities like reflexion room, salon, and facial room.  You can find Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Greenville location in Kompleks Perumahan PT Greenville Blok BK No.8B, Duri Kepa, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Ph: 081388362828 and get 20% discount until February 20, 2018. For more informations about Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, click