To Tighten Up Relationship with Business Partner, Martha Tilaar Held Cultural Tour


For national scale company like Martha Tilaar Group, it’s imposible to run alone. Instead, there are many parts that took part on its way to success, one of those is business partner. Since the first, Martha Tilaar Group has had loyal business partner, especially in cnfentional trade channel. Their existance are not only as chain that spin the company’s wheel, more than that, they give so many inputs and insights that are beneficial for Martha Tilaar Group.

In order to build and thighten up this relationship and collaboration, on March 20-22, 2018, Martha Tilaar Group held Martha Tilaar Beauty Relationship with outlet owners from some areas in Indonesia. Together with PT Martina Berto Tbk, PT SAI Indonesia, and PT Sinergi Global Service (SGS) team, all bussiness partner are intived to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta and its culture for two days. Some places they visited are Prambanan Temple, Kota Gede, Roemah Martha Tilaar, and Malioboro.

“Basically, the objective of this gathering is to maintain good relationship between Martha Tilaar Group and all business partners. We are not only taking them to enjoy the beauty of Yogyakarta and Gombong, but also to use this opportunity as an agenda to participants to give idea and insights for Martha Tilaar Group,” said Handiwidjaja, CEO of Martha Tilaar Group who also attended this team building activity. In the other hand, he continued, in this opportunity Martha Tilaar Group has a chance to share so many interesting programs and informations for all these business partner, through some business presentation. This insightful information are hoped to give positive impact to Martha Tilaar Group’s products marketing and distribution.

“We had so much fun. Here, we could get many insights and get to know Martha Tilaar Group team better. This is of course important so our team work and communication will run better in the future,” said one of outlet owners from Banjarmasin, Sony Luqanto.