Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients 2018, Seminar and Exhibition Event


Indonesia Cosmetic Ingredients (ICI) 2018 has held for three days on April 3-5th, 2018. There were 75 participants at this event, from SME cosmetic producent, local administrator of Perkosmi, institutions like BPOM, BPPT, Kemenkes, LPPOM MUI, and LIPI, university (University of Indonesia, ITB, and Pancasila University), to international beauty company from Korea, Japan, India, Europe, Taiwan, etc. With them, PT Martina Berto Tbk and PT Cedefindo from Martha Tilaar Group also participated in ICI 2018.

ICI is a biennial seminar and exhibition in cosmetic industry that held by Perkosmi and local administrator of DKI Jaya since 2006. This year ICI presented 36 seminars that talks about raw material and regulation in cosmetic industry, delivered by so many great local and international speakers. ICI 2018 introduced latest trend of cosmetic product and technology, that hoped to boost cosmetic industry and market, especially in Indonesia.

This exhibition is open for public, from company owner, cosmetic industry doer, salon owner, dermatologist, to people who interested in cosmetic business. Knowing good potency of Indonesia in cosmetic industry, the participation of PT Cedefindo as toll-manufacturing company and PT Martina Berto Tbk is expected to increas public awareness and wider their market.