Exhibition of Indonesia Flora Diversity as World Botanical Day Celebration
To celebrate World Botanical Day on May 18, 25 countries in all over the world from South Africa, Netherland, England, Irland, Japan, South Korea, including Indonesia are planned to hold botanical art exhibition. In Indonesia, the exhibition is running under the collaboration between Indonesia Society of Botanical Artist (IDBSA) and Plant Conservation Center of Botanical Garden – LIPI. The event that will be held at Bogor Botanical Garden will be the first botanical art exhibition in Indonesia and is a part of global event Botanical Art Worldwide.
With theme Indonesia Flora Diversity, this exhibition will presents 1.000 work of 700 artist from 25 countries and 60 painting of Indonesia endemic flora in Samida Building, Bogor Botanical Garden. These paintings from 35 Indonesian and international artists are not only beautiful, but also will give good insights to people about Indonesia endemic plants, from Napenthes, Raflessia Arnoldi, to orchid like Coelogyne S.E.C Marthae.
As the implementation of Beauty Green as one of company pillars, Martha Tilaar Group will support this event. Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar believes that this botanical art exhibition will be one of the way to give knowledge and increase people awareness to appreciate Indonesia biodiversity.
This event will also enliven with so many interesting activities like painting demo, discussion of Indonesia Biodiversity and Botanical Art, thematical workshop, and talkshow with artists that involved. Indonesia Flora Diversity exhibition will only held for 3 days. Don’t miss this great opportunity, especially if you are Indonesia endemic plants enthusiast.
Location: Samida Building, Bogor Botanical Garden
Timr: Mei 18-20, 2018 (08:00-16:30 WIB)
This exhibition is free admission and open for public. If you are interested, you can also get so many artworks and merchandise that are offered in the exhibition.
instagram: @idsba