Kreatif Boom 2018 Encourage Young Generation to Take Action and Give Positive Impact
Generasi Berkreasi
or Creative Generation is a movement that is initiated by Martha Tilaar Group
to inspire young generation to dare to take action and develop their potency
has held full of enthusiasm at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on
previous Thursday (30/8). Bandung became the first city that chosen to be the
opening for Generasi Berkreasi program which is also a part of a sustainable
campaign of Martha Tilaar Group, Beautifying Indonesia.
“We expect Generasi
Berkreasi will give positive impact through action and creativity of young
generation. Today, with Kreatif Boom 2018 as its theme, Generasi Berkreasi will
encourage GenTalk participants to build
impacful creativity,†said Arto Soebiantoro, the moderator who is also the
Founder of Gambaran Brand Indonesia.
Generasi Berkreasi
GenTalk presented four competent speakers. They are Kilala Tilaar (Corporate
Creatibe & Innovation Director of Martha Tilaar Group), Billy Boen (Founder
of Young on Top), Wiradeva Arif (Co-Founder of Agate), and Rex Marindo (Founder
of Warunk Upnormal). According to Arto, these speakers have different angle of
impressive insight, but with same purpose about impactful creativity in
accordance with Generasi Berkreasi. Â Here
are some of the speakers inspiring words of the day:
Martha Tilaar Group
wants to find the true beauty from Indonesia richness and by utilizing
technology we want to use it into our products. We chose to innovate using
natural ingredients of Indonesia, so community will consume products that has
good impact to environment –Kilala
To know ourselves
well is the key to start a business. Do what you love, love what you do, so you
will be more optimistic to reach your objective. You’ll see challenges, not
problems –Billy Boen
With good process,
we will reduce risks and gain potency to success –Wiradeva Arif
To set business
purpose in the beginning should be the first main thing in your plan. No
problem if you consider it as simple purpose, for simple purpose will bring
great result when it managed with science and innovation –Rex Marindo
With inspiring
GenTalk, Genarasi Berkreasi: Kreatif Boom 2018 also presents so many
interesting activities like carreer and scholarship booth, beauty booth with
sariayu, free herbal drink from Kampoeng Djamor Organik, special promotion in
Martha Tilaar Shop booth, and Generasi Berkreasi competition bootn. So, don’t
forget to attend next Generasi Berkreasi in other universities in Indonesia and
support our Beautifying Indonesia!