Honored, UN Global Compact Recognized Dr. (H.C.) Martha Tilaar as SDG Pioneer 2018


As part of Global Goals Local Business campaign, each year United Nations Global Compact  celebrates a group of SDG Pioneers.  Those who recognized as SDG Pioneers are business leaders from all over the world who are doing an exceptional job to advance the Global Goals through a principles-based approach. According to www.unglobalcompact.org there are more than 120 nominations from over 50 countries, before eventually chosen 10 finalists as SDG Pioneers 2018.

It’s a proud moment to Indonesian, for Indonesia includes as one of countries whom respresentative listed on 10 SDG Pioneers 2018. She is Dr. (H.C.) Martha Tilaar, the Founder and Chairwoman of Martha Tilaar Group. She was officially announced as SDG Pioneer by the CEO and Executive Director of Global Compact, Lise Kingo, yesterday (18/9) at 12.00 PM NYC time. UN Global Compact appointed Mrs. Tilaar as one of SDG Pioneers 2018 for Advancing Sustainability Through Community Engagement.

Through her businees, Mrs. Tilaar has empowered women in Indonesia and gain their skills, hence prevented them from being an object of human trafficking that often disguised as job opportunity provider. This effort has changed many of these women’s life through job and business creation for them. She also consistant in promoting and intoducing Indonesia jamu and herb to international market through her products and green field called Kampoeng Djame Organic ( Organic Herbal Village) in Cikarang.

The awarding event will be held on September 24 during the UN Global Compact Leader Summit 2018 at the Headquarters of United Nations, New York City. Before that time, learn more about her contributions that made her deserves this recognition here: http://bit.ly/UNGCmarthatilaar