PT Martina Berto Tbk Established Cooperation With Mulawarman University


PT Martina Berto Tbk and Mulawarman University established cooperation in Research and Development of Indonesia Biological Resources for Herbs and Cosmetics, Thursday (11/06/13). This cooperation of both institution is a follow up from RISTEK-MTIC Award 2012, a collaboration between The Minister of Research and Technology, Martha Tilaar Innovation Center (MTIC) and Sariayu Martha Tilaar.

The cooperation was signed by MoU signing and held in Griya Cipta Wanita Room of PT Martina Berto, Tbk by the Director of PT Martina Berto, Tbk, Samuel Pranata, and the President of Mulawarman University, Prof. Dr. H. Zamruddin Hasid, SE., SU. This signing moment witnessed by Head of Martha Tilaar Innovation Center, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bernard T. Widjaja, MS and the Assistant President IV of Mulawarman University, Prof. Dr. Sukisno S. Riadi, SE., MM. Besides, there was alsi DR. Martha Tilaar (Founder and Chairwoman of PT Marttina Berto, Tbk), Handiwidjaja (Director od PT Martina Berto, Tbk), Hefryan Hendra (Manager Research & Development of PT Martina Berto, Tbk), and Patricia Husada (Marketing Manager of Sariayu Martha Tilaar).

From all the judgment and selection phase from the judges, RISTEK-MTIC Award 2012 decided that Enos Tangke Arung, Ph.D from Mulawarman University as the 1st Winner of Researcher Category with research titled “Validation of Callicarpa Albida Blume Leaf, Herbs Ingredients on Dayak Tribe of East Borneo's Cold Powder as Skin Brightening Ingredients.”

PT Martina Berto, Tbk hope that this cooperation will increase the quality of teaching and education through the material enrichment and development of special skill subject in the University as one of PT Martina Berto, Tbk's dedications for the society to increasing the value of East Borneo resources.