The Launching of Perempuan Parlemen Dalam Cakrawala Politik Indonesia
Last Thursday (05/06/13), located at Nusantara V DPR/MPR RI Building, a book titled “Perempuan Parlemen Dalam Cakrawala Politik Indonesia†(Women Parliamentarians In Indonesia's Political Horizon) written by two national figures which are Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas and DR. (HC) Martha Tilaar. Although both of the woman has a different background, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas is the Vice Chairman of DPD RI, meanwhile DR. (HC) Martha Tilaar is the Founder and Chairwoman of Martha Tilaar Group, but both of them has the same concern in the enhancement of women quality and involvement in the parliament.
“Through this book, I hope Indonesian Women raise their guts to involved in political world,†sair DR. (HC) Martha Tilaar. This hope arose because of the political world phenomenon which still dominated by men.
Book launching that attended by guests from DPR, DPD, DPRD and some women and politic activist marked by book granting by Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas and DR. (HC) Martha Tilaar to the Vice Chairman of MPR, Melani Leimena Suharli, Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Linda Agum Gumelar, and some of DPR, DPD, and DPRD members.
This book that consists of two part explain the detail about the dynamics, opportunities and challenges that women parliamentarians in each region. The first part explain the substation and the outline of National Consolidation of Women Caucus Network All Around Indonesia, meanwhile the second part exposing the woman parliamentarians profiles from 33 province of Indonesia.
Beside the book launching, on that day, also held a talkshop and soft launching Women Parliamentarians Networking Website. This talkshow presents three speakers which are Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Hemas with Women Parliamentarians Future, DR. (HC) Martha Tilaar with Another Side of Women Empowerment, and Ani Sutjipto witn Women Parliamentarians and The Democracy of Indonesia.