A Prayer Behind the Name of Martha Tilaar


Dr.(H.C) Martha Tilaar welcomed her special guest this week. She is a young woman whom on August won Indonesia cooking competition and had her opportunity to serve her fish-based cooking to President Joko Widodo at State Place. Her name is Putri Ayu Marta Tilaar.

Right after Dr. Martha Tilaar heard about Putri’s achievement and interested about the story behind her “Marta Tilaar” name, she invited her to Jakarta. With her mother, Putri told us the meaning of her name. “So my mom always a fan of Dr. Martha, when I was born she put Martha Tilaar name on my name,” said Putri. “She said Dr. Martha is an success Indonesian woman that really inspiring, so when she gave the name, she really wish I will be like Dr. Martha one day. It’s her pray,” she continued.

Putri and her mother also attended lunch with Dr. Martha Tilaar and Wulan Tilaar. This casual lunch also bring such unforgetabble moments. “Thank God Putri grown to be a good girl. She helps me a lot in daily basis. Who would ever have thought, that name I gave her could bring us to Jakarta and made us met Dr. Martha in person. It’s like a dream come true,” said Arini, mother of Putri Ayu.