In Collaboration with APP, Martha Tilaar Group to Support Women Empowerment in Indonesia
With Empowering Woman as one of its company pillars, Martha Tilaar Group always wants to improve women’s standard of living in the society. So many activities and #BeautifyingIndonesia campaign has been run by this beauty company that involving women. The latest update of Martha Tilaar Group empowering woman activity is a collaboration with Asia Pulp and Paper (APP) Sinar Mas.
Focus on environment prevention and family wealth, this empowering women collaboration officiated on January 31 by Wulan Tilaar from Martha Tilaar Group and Elim Sritaba from APP Sinar Mas. Also came to the kick off event, Vice Regent of West Tanjung Jabung Drs. H. Amir Sakib, Joshephine Satyono from Indonesia Global Compact Networks and dozen of woman who lives around the forest and factory in Jambi.
This inauguration signify the start of the collaboration which to empower women to be more independent. By running this program both of the companies wish to encourage woman to be able to give contribution in increasing her surrounding and family standard of living. Not only in Jambi, this contribution program which initiate to attain Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will also run in five cities in Indonesia which are Serang, Karawang, Tangerang, Mojokerto, and Malang with more than 635 total participants.