Martha Tilaar Beauty News Won Indonesia Content Marketing Awards 2019


Last Wednesday (27/03), Martha Tilaar Beauty News won Content Marketing Awards 2019 for 2nd Winner The Best Inhouse Magizine in Private Sector category. This award is an appreciation from KGMedia, Grid Story, and Grid Voice for brands or institutions who run content marketing strategy during 2018. Took place at Djakarta Theathre Samuel Pranata as Strategic Planning Director Martha Tilaar Group came to receive the award.

Chosen as one of the winners, Martha Tilaar Beauty News fulfilled three criteria that match with judges’s provisions, which are content marketing process, creativity, and relevance. “Thank you for this appreciation that given to us. Sure thing that this awards will motive us to do better in creating good and relevant content marketing,” said Samuel.

Martha Tilaar Beauty News is an annual magazine from Martha Tilaar Group which provides so many informatios including company activities and beauty tips. Until 2019 Martha Tilaar Beauty News has already printed to 23 editions and it still regurally produce for the upcoming editions. The free magazine usually given to group who do factory visit to Martha Tiaar Group office or at events which involved Martha Tilaar Group.