Encouraging Self-Love to Indonesian Women, Sariayu Run Fearless Beauty Campaign


Beauty has different definition to everyone, there is no exact standart for it. Unfortunatelly, sometimes our surrounding push it to particular standar and turns make some women feel insecure with their own beauty. Based on research done by Sariayu team, almost 70% Indonesian women refuse to call herself beautiful. Even some of them would feel their physical appearance didn’t meet with people standard and it makes them hard to accept and love theirself. Knowing that issue, Sariayu take campaign to encourage women to love theirself. It called Fearless Beauty.

“Through their positive energy, Indonesian women hold important role to bring changes, it sad that some of them are low of self-esteem and not confident,” said Wulan Tilaar, Vice Chairwoman of Martha Tilaar Group. “Sariayu Martha Tilaar believe that every woman is special and unique. Dare to be beautiful and comfortable with ourselves will make us feel happier. Therefor, Sariayu will release Fearless Beauty campaign and encourage Indonesian women to feel their beauty and confident to express theirself in positive way,” she continued.

Fearless Beauty will be new spirit along 2019 to helps Indonesian women, and to make it easier for them to find their definition to beauty, Sariayu devides Fearless Beauty into four hashtags, #FearlessToExplore for those who never stop to explore new thing in life, #FearlessHijab for active muslimah, #FearlessToGlow for those who always wants to spark their shine, and #FearlessAging for thise who wants to enjoy their age with achievements. “We hope there will be more than 5.000 hashtag in 2019 that will spread positive spirit of #FearlessBeauty,” said Wulan.

Fearless Beauty campaign officially launched at Galeri Indonesia Kaya, Grand Indonesia, Jakarta by presenting four inspiring women who represent each hashtag of Fearless Beauty, they are Dinda Puspitasari for #FearlessToExplore, Inez Kristanti for #FearlessToGlow, Debby Susanto for #FearlessAging, and Citra Natasya for #FearlessHijab.