Through Vactory Visit, Martha Tilaar Group Expect to Improve Insight and Collaboration


To keep struggle in competition, Martha Tilaar Group believe that industrial insight and collaboration are important things to do. Therefore, company visit chosen to be one of regular agendas of the company in order to optimize that purpose. In the first semester, Martha Tilaar Group has visited three Indonesia big companies, Blue Bird Indonesia, PT Mass Rapid Transit or MRT (29/4) and Kompas Gramedia (17/5).

Martha Tilaar Group’s board of directors, Bryan Tilaar, Handiwidjaja, Samuel Pranata, and involved division from the company are welcomed by Head of Director of PT MRT Willian Sabandar, Director of Bussiness Support and Development Ghamal Peris, and Muhammad Kamaludin, as Corporate Secretary of PT MRT. Meanwhile, Martha Tilaar Group team are welcomed by Editor in Chief of Harian Kompas Ninuk Pambudi and her team when visiting Kompas Gramedia.

From this visitation, so many ideas and good value we got, from work ethic, inspiring creative work, to collaboration opportunity. Martha Tilaar Group expect company visit will inspire us to grow better and move faster in the future.