Sharing Session Innovation of Martha Tilaar Group for Herbal Master Degree of Indonesia University
Wednesday, November 12, 2014, Martha Tilaar Group's office welcomed the visitation of 30 students from Herbal Master Degree of Indonesia University, a program in Indonesia University that pioneered by DR. Martha Tilaar herself. The propose of their visit to Martha Tilaar Group is as their annual agenda, and also to attend sharing session about the innovation that Martha Tilaar Group's brands do with the Head of Martha Tilaar Innovation Center, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bernards T. Widjaja.
"Rare herbal plants in Indonesia have price that is relatively expensive, this is a challenge for Martha Tilaar Group. We believe that herbal and natural products will be future products, so be proud being Indonesian, be proud to used local product of Indonesia, and keep creating for Indonesia," says Prof. Brenard.
In this sharing session, so many explanations about herbal plants, from the planting process to the making process of cosmetic. This learning is maximized with the visitation to the Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, factory visit, and Martha Beauty Gallery visit.