Sariayu Martha Tilaar to Receive Social Media Award 2014


Rapid development of digital world, has brought Indonesia to the new marketing era, is the usage of social media as one of campaign media. Proven, nowadays so many social media channel are used by people, companies, or brand to raise their image, popularity, community, and even raise the profit and sales. Realize this phenomenon, Marketing Magazine in collaboration with Frontier Consulting Group and Media Wave presents Social Media Award 2014.

Held at Ballroom of Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta, on November 13, 2014, Social Media Awards is giving recognition to figures or companies who has good sentiment and share of voice in social media. It’s an honor to Martha Tilaar Group because one of the brands, Sariayu, received Social Media Award 2014 for Lipstick Category.

Based on Handy Irawan as the CEO of Frontier Consulting Group, social media give such big impact to the raise of brand awareness. “Not only more effective and less expensive, social media also is a good media campaign. What should remembered by the company is that a social media should be authentic and could share good “story” of the brand,” he says.