Martha Tilaar Group’s Community Empowerment and Training for Bilebante


As one of the members of the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), Martha Tilaar Group always wants to apply the UN Global Compact principles, from each business unit or to other institutions or businesses. One of the implementations is by taking part in the Innovation and Investation for Inclusive Sustainable Economic Development (ISED). This ISED project was pioneered by the Germany and Indonesia government through the Ministry of National Development Planning of Republic Indonesia (Bappenas) and the Federal Ministry of Germany for Development and Cooperation (BMZ). It aims to strengthen the capacity of the public and private sector to promote sustainable and inclusive work and is also related to development priority that has been set by the Indonesia government.

Promoting a healthy tourism village development in Bilebante, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Martha Tialar Group through its Business Units Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, Roemah Martha Tilaar, and Cantika Puspa Pesona (Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa) provides many kinds of training for the people in Bilebante Village. The training was given to teenage women and also the housewife by bringing some professional and experienced trainers in the spa field, entrepreneurship, green land management, and so on.

Martha Tilaar Group hopes the collaboration and project that is in line with the company pillars, which are Beauty Education, Beauty Culture, Beauty Green, and Empowering Women will bring positive impact and be the beginning for any other sustainable social activities. We also hope that in the future this village can develop its regional potential and people of Bilebante can feel and take advantage of the results.