PT Cedefindo Facilitate its Employees to Get Vaccinated
In collaboration with Bekasi government, Rawalumbu health center and subdistrict, one of Martha Tilaar Group’s unit businesses moving in the toll-manufacturing sector, PT Cedefindo, has held a vaccination program for its employees who haven’t get a chance to be vaccinated. This program is an embodiment of Martha Tilaar Group’s support to the government to improve public health and Covid-19 countermeasures.
Categorized as a critical company because it produces sanitation and health products, PT Cedefindo also considers these programs as their company's responsibility and effort to make the employees stay healthy during the pandemic. 121 employees passed the health screening and get vaccinated that day, and about 75 employees will be vaccinated in the next shift, Sunday, August 1, at the vaccine center appointed by the company.
“Through this vaccination program at PT Cedefindo, I hope all the employees of PT Cedefindo will be able to get vaccinated, so they will be protected from Covid-19, or even if they are infected by the virus, it will help them to avoid severe impact. Second of all, through this event, we want to support our government to create herd immunity so our community endurance will be formed. We hope we will immediately be free from the virus and back to our routine safe and sound,†said Kilala Tilaar, the CEO of Martha Tilaar Group.