Sariayu Martha Tilaar Chosen as The Official Makeup Support PON XX Papua 2021


Jakarta (28/9) - Beauty Culture as one of Martha Tilaar Group’s pillars will always encourage Sariayu to support various events related to culture, fashion, beauty, and sport in Indonesia. After they have chosen as the official supplier for makeup and hairdo for performers in the opening and closing ceremony of Asian Games 2018 and Asian Para Games 2018, this year Sariayu has once again received an honored trust and opportunity to be the official makeup product for National Sports Week –Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua 2021.

At this national sports event that is held in Papua from October 2-15, 2021, Sariayu will prepare qualified products to support 1.000 dancers who will perform in the opening and closing ceremony at Lukas Enembe Stadion, Jayapura region. Not only will give support by giving its products, but Sariayu also will send its expert trainer to supervise the makeup and body painting process. Using various colors of Sariayu, the performer’s makeup and creative body painting will look more stunning and enhance the beauty and the charm of Papua culture.

Sariayu’s support for PON XX Papua is the embodiment of their consistent mission to raise local culture as a national identity in every event, including sports events. The memorandum of understanding for this prestigious event was signed by Chief of Committee PON XX Papua 2021, Dr. Yunus Wonda SH, MH, and Bryan Tilaar, President Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk, one of the unit businesses of Martha Tilaar Group.

“It’s such an incredible honor that we receive this trust and opportunity to support PON Papua,” said Kilala Tilaar, the CEO of Martha Tilaar Group. “We are grateful that we were involved in Asian Games and Asian Para Games 2018 so now the lessons and experiences from those big events could be beneficial and we could apply it to PON Papua. We hope that we could give our support to PON XX and all its performers. We are proud to be a part of history in Papua, Torang Bisa!”