The Pandemic is slowly Petering, Sariayu Kick Back to Support Culture-based Creative Events


The pandemic has made so many people and companies cancel a lot of plans and activities, including here in Martha Tilaar Group. As time goes by and the government started to remove the policy of event restriction, in 2022 one of Martha Tilaar Group’s brands Sariayu kick back to collaborate with various events. Two of the collaborations are to support Monolog Musical Theater Inggrit Garnasih: Tegak Setelah Ombak and Batak Cultural Exhibition by Torang Sitorus as its official Makeup and Hairdo partner.   


After being postponed for 2 years due to the pandemic, Musical Theater Inggit Garnasih: Tegak Setelah Ombak has eventually held. The 53rd production of Titimangsa which was produced by senior artists Happy Salma and Marsha Timothy has successfully performed on May 20-21, 2022. For this stage, Sariayu was chosen to be the makeup and hairdo team for all the actors. Strong scenario and great performance of the actors in playing their roles sure will need a touch of makeup from Sariayu to enliven and give perfection to the characterization of the show.

For information, Inggit Garnasih is the second wife of the first president of Indonesia Ir. Soekarno. During 20 years of marriage, Inggit is a loyal spouse who accompanied Soekarno’s journey from graduating from his school at Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng (now ITB). She also supported family financial, encouraging Soekarno when arrested in Sukamiskin, and accompanying him in exile at Ende and Bengkulu. Unfortunately, her dedication stops when Soekarno enters the palace to be the first president of the nation.   


Besides supporting Inggit Garnasih performance, Sariayu also trusted to support a Batak cultural exhibition ‘O Tano Batak’by Torang Sitorung, which was held at the Atrium of Community Mall Sarinah, Central Jakarta.

The exhibition was not only to present the collection of Batak artifacts and Batak traditional attires but also to present a fashion show that highlighted the beauty of Batak ulos. To perfect the models, the makeup artists team from Puspita Martha International Beauty School took part in this fashion show and beautify them using the makeup series from Sariayu.

Congratulations for the success of Inggit Garnasih performance and ‘O Tano Batak’ exhibition. We are so honored to involve in their commitment to raising Indonesian culture and literature into a great event. Together, let’s Beautify Indonesia!