Improved Business Performance, PT Martina Berto Tbk Optimistic to Achieve Sales Growth


PT Martina Berto Tbk held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) to report the book year that ended on December 31, 2021, yesterday (29/7). This annual financial report has been well received, gets confirmation, and is approved in RUPS.
In this annual report, the company directors presented PT Martina Berto Tbk (MBTO) performance for the year 2021 which recorded improvement. The business performance also has shown good results. In the first quarter of 2022, MBTO recorded sales growth and press the loss, which score sales growth 47,71% year on year (yoy) to be Rp74 billion. The most significant contribution is from the cosmetic segment which contributes the biggest sales, growing 73,51% yoy to be Rp51,21 billion. Then, the jamu segment increases 71,24% yoy to be Rp595,23 billion, the others grow 25,58% to be Rp35,52 billion.
This sales improvement along with the increase of the company’s sales cost of goods by 20,64% to be Rp43,17 billion in the 1st quarter of 2022. In the same period of last year, MBTO cost of goods was Rp35,78% billion. In addition, the load depreciation also happened in sales and marketing load that decrease 18,03% yoy to be Rp16,48 billion. General load and administration decreased from Rp19,13 billion to be Rp16,78 billion.
The President Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk, Bryan David Emil, feels optimistic that generally the performance of MBTO this year will improve along with the improvement of net sales and profit before tax. He added MBTO will strive to increase the quality and brand image of the brands such as Sariayu Martha Tilaar, Biokos, and Rudy Hadisuwarno Cosmetics, packaging rejuvenation, innovation, product reformulation, investment in digital media to increase online sales, manufacture refinement, supply chain, purchasing, to financial accounting consolidation. MBTO will also sharpen the strategy for distribution and multi-distributors with Tiga Raksa and Penta Valent, and the latest with Dos Ni Roha (DNR). MBTO will strengthen sales through PT Tara Parama Semesta (TPS) which manages Martha Tilaar Shop (MTS) and online shop, also a business unit PT Cedefindo (as MBTO subsidiary) that is engaged in the manufacturing field.

MTS is the outlet that targets the middle-up market with various brand’s products compared to independent outlets, and also functions as a customer experience center. Until now the company has 9 outlets of MTS, plus 4 shop-in-shop counters. Whereas, PT Cedefindo is a toll manufacturing company with a resource-sharing mechanism that produces around 80% of indie brand circulation in the Indonesian market. Not only indie brands, but some multinational and national companies also trust their production to PT Cedefindo. With experience since 1981, PT Cedefindo will continue to maintain its existing clients and increase the number of new local and multinational clients.
With the strategies, MBTP plans to reach the 2022 net sales target of Rp416 billon which grow 97,15% compared to 2021 net sales, by doing some efficiency in COGS from 68,33% in 2021 to 63,23% in 2022, and marketing cost and sales from 38,21% in 2021 to be 22,78% in 2022, so that the Earning Before Interest Depreciation (EBITDA) grows from minus Rp66 billion to be Rp28 billion in 2022, operating profit Rp7 billion in 2022 from minus Rp99 billion in 2021, and profit after tax from minus Rp148 billion in 2021 to be minus Rp15 billion in 2022, so almost all financial ratio in 2022 is growing better than 2021.