KaDO Goes to School, an Educational Effort for Young Generation


On February 13, Kampoeng Djamoe Organik (KaDO) Martha Tilaar held a collaboration with AL Muslim Elementary School, Bekasi, for a Leadership Day & Guest Teacher, Collaboration in Improving Your Body Health and Personal Safety. To represent KaDO, Deddy Sopiandi, the Sustainability and Community Development Officer, came as a speaker, accompanied by the teaching team. 
Attended by 102 students, KaDo presented a learning material about the types of medicinal plants and their benefits, also did a demo to make jamu beras kencur and green jelly. Through this event, Kampoeng Djamoe Organik Martha Tilaar hopes the young generation especially the elementary school age can get to know more about natural wealth and medicinal plants, and be interested in consuming Indonesia herbal drinks or jamu which is good for health.  
The visitation of Kampoeng Djamoe Organik Martha Tilaar to Al Muslim Elementary School is one of the activities included in KaDO Goes to School program. KaDO now located in Sukabumi. Unlike before when it was located in Cikarang, KaDO Sukabumi is not open for public visit yet. Even so, KaDO will always be open for collaboration, especially educational collaboration. The focus of KaDO Goes to School is aim to raise awareness and insights among the young generation about Indonesia’s natural wealth, especially TOKA (Tanaman Obat, Kosmetik, dan Aromaterpi – Aromatherapy, Cosmetics, and Medicinal Plants). If you are interested in this visitation program, you can contact Kampoeng Djamoe Organik Martha Tilaar here: 0813-2433-4353 (Dedi).