Attending the IGCN General Meeting, DR.(H.C) Martha Tilaar Receives the Pioneer Award


On Friday (14/6), the Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN) held the 2024 IGCN Annual General Meeting & Members Gathering at the Yustinus Auditorium, UNIKA ATMA Jaya, Jakarta. This event was not only filled with reports on achieving the SDGs target in 2023 by the Executive Director of IGCN, Josephine Satyono, but also a presentation of plans for 2024 in an effort to accelerate the achievement of the SGDs target in Indonesia, by the President of IGCN, Y.W Junardy, one of which was the launch of an program UN Global Forward Faster initiative.

The UN Global Compact Forward Faster initiative aims to accelerate sustainable practices among companies in Indonesia, which are in line with global goals in the environmental and social fields. Revealed by Y.W. Junardy, as one of the founders of IGCN, said that this event could be a commitment to encouraging sustainable growth.

As one of the companies behind the founding of IGCN, Martha Tilaar Group was also attends the general meeting. The Martha Tilaar Group's presence was represented by DR. (H.C) Martha Tilaar as the founder of the company and Bryan Tilaar as the President Director of PT Martina Berto Tbk, one of Martha Tilaar Group’s unit businesses which focus in cosmetic industry.

That day, DR. (H.C) Martha Tilaar was not only present as one of the Founders of IGCN, but was also present to receive the Special Recognition IGCN Pioneer Award from IGCN. This award was given because he was considered a figure that had made many contributions and was dedicated to the success of IGCN since its inception. On the same occasion, the Martha Tilaar Group, represented by Bryan Tilaar, also signed a commitment to the UN Global Forward Faster initiative which was just inaugurated that day, to contribute to accelerating the Gender Equality target in Indonesia.