Martha Tilaar Group Employee’s Mudik 2015


In order to celebrate Eid Mubarok 1436 H, Martha Tilaar Group held mudik event for its employees and their family. There were about 230 employees from all company units of Martha Tilaar Group, PT Martina Berto Tbk, PT SAI, PT Cedefindo, PT Martha Beauty Gallery, and PT Cantika Puspa Pesona registered their selves and their family to follow this mudik event.

According to General Affair Manager of Martha Tilaar Group, Mahfudz, mudik will take two, South Java that will through Bandung, Tasik Malaya, Banjar, Wangon, Kebumen, Yogyakarta, Wonosari, and North Java through Cikampek, Palikanci, Cirebon, Pekalongan, Semarang, Solo, and Wonogiri. The departures of all the participants are directly released by DR. Martha Tilaar and Kilala Tilaar from PT Martina Berto Tbk office’s front yard.


“I’m so happy because there are about 230 family of Martha Tilaar Group who participated in this mudik event. Remember that safety is the most important thing, please take care of each other. I wish you all arrive in your home town safely. Happy Eid Mubarak for you who celebrate it, forgive all my mistakes and let’s forgive each other,” said DR. Martha Tilaar at the end of her speech.