Martha Tilaar Group Plants 10.000 Mangroves in Ayah Beach, Gombong


Closing its 45th anniversary celebration, Martha Tilaar Group held its last event, Penanaman 10.000 Mangrove (The Plantation of 10.000 Mangroves), an event that based on one of 4 pillars of the company, Beauty Green. On the previous events, Martha Tilaar group has held some events that refer to 3 other pillars, Beauty Culture, Beauty Education, and Empowering Women, such as blood donation, 450 trees plantation in Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, and Beauty Bazaar.

In collaboration with Atma Jaya University of Yogyakarta, and Komunitas Peduli Lingkungan (KPL) PANSELA, the plantation of 10.000 mangroves was held on September 19, 2015, in Ayah Beach, Gombong. This mangrove preservation program in Ayah Beach not only a plantation, but also a long term program that initiated by Roemah Martha Tilaar, KPL PANSELA, and Atma Jaya University of Yogyakarta. Surely, this activity also got the attention and support from region government.  


Through this activity, hopefully the society can get more knowledge about the benefits of mangrove. Not to prevent abrasion and erosion, mangrove also will add economy value for it could help protect the environmental balance. In a long term, this program hoped would reduce and even overcome the abrasion that is getting worst.


All 10.000 of mangrove seeds that planted in Ayah Beach were donated by Gobind Vashdev, an environmentalist, motivator, and writer. All the mangrove seeds donated as his commitment of “One Book One Tree” from his bookselling, Happiness Inside. Roemah Martha Tilaar helped him by became the bridge between him and the society and to invite other parties to collaborate. Green environment, green future!