PT Martina Berto Tbk to Receive SMK3 Appreciation


On previous September 10, 2015, PT Martina Berto Tbk received an SMK3 Golden Flag certification from the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration of Republic of Indonesia. Gold flag is a highest appreciation and recognition evidence to the application fulfillment to regulations of Work Safety and Healthy Management System – Sistem Managemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3).

Using the momentum of Sumpah Pemuda commemoration, October 28, 2015, SMK3 golden flag arise in PT Martina Berto Tbk front yard along with a ceremony. The ceremony followed by some of employees of PT Martina Berto Tbk from various departments and also some of the board of directors, Handiwijaya, Kilala Tilaar, Kunto Widarto, dan  Samuel Pranata.


To PT Martina Berto Tbk, this SMK3 appreciation is not just a recognition, but more to the successful to keep the commitment to protect its employess and to create a working space that safe, efficient, and productive to all the workers. SMK3 also become a guideline to keep the quality of management system that will raise a good and healthy business growth. As mentioned, to PT Martina Berto Tbk, good safety is a good business.