
Entrepreneur Community Visitation to PT Cedefindo with Yuswohady

Wednesday (12/02), one of the Martha Tilaar Group business units, PT Cedefindo, is visited by some community friends, the Memberi, TDA, and Kagama Community which was initiated by Yuswohady, a business consultant who is also the author of around 40 books on marketing. This visit was packaged as a Factory Visit & Talkshow with the theme Skin Care Effect: The Rise of Indie Brands, The Birth of Ecosystem Brand, and presented three speakers, namely Dr. Kilala Tilaar as CEO of Martha Tilaar Group, Ruskha Soedibyo (Co-Founder of Reine Beauty), and Emyranza (Founder of Smith Men Supply), with Yuswohady as the mentor of the talkshow.

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Encouraging Integration of Beauty Education, Martha Tilaar Academy Collaborates with Jakarta State University

Last Thursday, January 16, 2025, the Martha Tilaar Academy signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University (UNJ). This collaboration was signed by Pinkan Engelien Tilaar, as Head of Academy Martha Tilaar, and Prof. Dr. Neneng Siti Silfi Ambarwati, S.Si., Apt., M.Si, as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta State University.

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Facing the Challenges of 2025, Martha Tilaar Group is Ready to Apply the Spirit of Dare to be Different

In order to be more prepared and confident in moving forward in 2025, Martha Tilaar Group business units, including PT Martina Berto Tbk, PT Sinergi Global Servis, PT Cedefindo, PT Creative Style, and PT Tara Parama Semesta, are carrying out various agendas to improve synergy and work performance, starting from annual work meetings to training and workshops to improve communication skills and employee potential.

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MSIB MTDP Batch 7 Program is Officially Ends

On Monday (23/12), 33 students who participating in the MSIB Batch 7 program did a presentation in front of the Martha Tilaar Group’s BOD as the final assignment for the internship program at Martha Tilaar Group. A total of 6 selected people presented projects carried out during the internship at Martha Tilaar Group business units, including the Martha Tilaar Academy. They presented their work results and innovation ideas that have the potential and are applicable to be implemented in the company. From the presentation, the examiners consisting of BODs assessed the extent of the student’s understanding and creativity related to the field of work they were working in.

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Launching Mist You So Eau de Parfum Perempuan x Belia Creative Collaboration of Two Local Companies

Two big brands with more than 50 years of experience have officially collaborated to launch a fragrance product, Mist You So Eau de Parfum, with the label Girl X Belia (16/12). PT Prana Dinamika Sejahtera, which houses GADIS, and Martha Tilaar Group as the producer of Belia have agreed to collaborate to produce fragrance products for teenagers. These two friends are 'reunited', exchanged ideas, and got creative in creating an eau de parfum product aimed at especially for teenagers.

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