
Supporting the Creative Economy, Sariayu Participates in Inacraft and Indonesia Modest Fashion Week 2022

In the last week of October, Sariayu supported two events held simultaneously at the Jakarta Convention Center, namely Inacraft and Indonesia Modest Fashion Week 2022 (IMFW). The two events were also organized by the same EO, PT Mediatama Binakreasi and officially opened by the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf), Sandiaga Uno.

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Sariayu Martha Tilaar to Supports Gandrung Sewu Festival 2022

In realizing the spirit of 'Beautifying Indonesia' which has been the philosophy and consistent program of Martha Tilaar Group for decades, and as a realization of Beauty culture, one of the pillars of Martha Tilaar Group, Sariayu Martha Tilaar consistently supports various fashion, beauty, art, and cultural activities. This year, Sariayu Martha Tilaar once again was given the opportunity to beautify 1,200 dancers at the 2022 Gandrung Sewu Festival.

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Martha Tilaar Group Represents Indonesia as Jury in the World Cosmetics Innovation Event

Kilala's consistency and commitment to innovation, technology, and the country's natural wealth has led him and Martha Tilaar Group to achieve various prestigious awards. This year, for example, for the third time, Kilala was again trusted to be one of the judges for the Innovation Zone & Spotlight On award which will take place on 1-3 November 2022 at  Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center (BITEC).

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In Collaboration with SME Ministry, PT Cantika Puspa Pesona Signed MoU to Empower Micro Business in Beauty and Beauty Service Sector

Bandar Lampung (7/10) – Held at Hotel Golden Tulip Springhill Bandar Lampung, the Director of PT Cantika Puspa Pesona (one of business units of Martha Tilaar Group that is the umbrella company of Martha Tilaar SPA) Wulan Tilaar and Dr. Yulius MA, the Deputy of Micro Business Sector, Ministry of SME agreed to sign the MoU for Micro Business Empowerment in Beauty and Wellness Service.

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Developing and Utilizing Native Indonesian Orchids, PT Martina Berto Tbk Signs Cooperation with BRIN

PT Martina Berto Tbk and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) agreed to sign a Cooperation Agreement in the Development and Utilization of Coelogyne Germplasm. The agreement is a continuation of the signing of the MoU between PT Martina Berto Tbk (a business unit of the Martha Tilaar Group) and BPPT (which is now merged with BRIN) regarding the Exploration, Identification and Domestication Cooperation of the Coelogyne marthae S.E.C Sierra Orchid in order to obtain and developing the potential of the Coelogyne marthae S.E.C Sierra orchid flower as well as a follow-up to the 2012 Honorary Main Engineer award given by BPPT to Dr. (HC) Martha Tilaar.

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