
Improved Business Performance, PT Martina Berto Tbk Optimistic to Achieve Sales Growth

PT Martina Berto Tbk held the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (RUPS) to report the book year that ended on December 31, 2021, yesterday (29/7). This annual financial report has been well received, gets confirmation, and is approved in RUPS.

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On CEO Talk, Kilala Tilaar Gives Encouragement to Lift Employee’ Spirit

The second semester of 2022 will become the moment for Martha Tilaar Group to rise and continue its journey since the pandemic hit the Indonesian beauty industry in March 2019. For that reason, slowly but surely, Martha Tilaar Groups continues to strive to encourage and improve the company’s performance, one of the ways is through the CEO Talk that was held last Thursday (28/7).

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PT Cedefindo to Support the Revival of Indonesia Beauty Products

As the act of our government with the entrepreneur and the community to support Indonesia Proud-of-Indonesian-Product National Movement or also called Gernas BBI which campaign the spirit of loving, buying, and using local products, the enthusiasm of our society towards local brands, especially personal care, and beauty products, is getting higher each day. Even PT Cedefindo as the subsidiary of PT Martina Berto Tbk that is known as one of the production center or toll manufacturing companies produce around 80% of indie brand circulation in the Indonesian market. Not only the indie brand, but also some national and multinational companies.

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To Increase Post Pandemic Business Opportunities, PT Martina Berto Tbk Held a Collaboration with PT Dos Ni Roha

To increase business growth and strengthen the distribution of the products in the General Trade channel, by the mid-year of 2022 Martha Tilaar Group as a cosmetic, skincare, and herbs producer in Indonesia, through its unit business which is PT Martina Berto Tbk has held a distribution collaboration with PT Dos Ni Roha (DNR), a subsidiary of PT Dosni Roha Indonesia Tbk (DNR Corporation). Both companies are two big names that are firmly established and experienced for decades in their field.

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The Pandemic is slowly Petering, Sariayu Kick Back to Support Culture-based Creative Events

The pandemic has made so many people and companies cancel a lot of plans and activities, including here in Martha Tilaar Group. As time goes by and the government started to remove the policy of event restriction, in 2022 one of Martha Tilaar Group’s brands Sariayu kick back to collaborate with various events. Two of the collaborations are to support Monolog Musical Theater Inggrit Garnasih: Tegak Setelah Ombak and Batak Cultural Exhibition by Torang Sitorus as its official Makeup and Hairdo partner.

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