
In Collaboration with South Korea Beauty Brand, Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa to Launch Its Lates Facial Treatment

To Connect. To Collaborate. To Compete. These are three methods  that Martha Tilaar Group do to survive in market competition. Doing a collaboration with any parties who has similar vision and value with our company is our strategy so we could increase opportunity and profit. This time, collaboration is done by our one of unit businesses, PT Cantika Puspa Pesona. At the end of the year, in November to be exact, PT Cantika Puspa Pesona through its brand Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa held collaboration with one of beauty brands from South Korea as the innovation for its facial treatment.

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To Appreciate the Cooperation, PT Martina Berto Tbk Held Suppliers Gathering

How Martha Tilaar Group is persisting until its 51 years is not only because of the internal team’s hard work but also because of good cooperation with external sides, such as suppliers. Therefore, Dr.(H.C) Martha Tilaar and CEO of Martha Tilaar Group, Kilala Tilaar, held Suppliers Gathering to appreciate the suppliers who have been cooperating with Martha Tilaar Group, especially PT Martina Berto Tbk, since a long time ago. 

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Sariayu Martha Tilaar to Support Lakon Indonesia Performance: Gantari, The Final Journey to Java as the Official Makeup & Hairdo

Jakarta (8/10) – After got chosen to do the makeup for more than 1.000 performers in the opening and closing ceremony of PON XX Papua 2021, Sariayu is trusted to support Lakon Indonesia Performance: Gantari, The Final Journey to Java, the peak event of Jakarta Fashion & Food Festival (JFFF) 2021.

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Sariayu Martha Tilaar Chosen as The Official Makeup Support PON XX Papua 2021

Beauty Culture as one of Martha Tilaar Group’s pillars will always encourage Sariayu to support various events related to culture, fashion, beauty, and sport in Indonesia. After they have chosen as the official supplier for makeup and hairdo for performers in the opening and closing ceremony of Asian Games 2018 and Asian Para Games 2018, this year Sariayu has once again received an honored trust and opportunity to be the official makeup product for National Sports Week –Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua 2021.

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PT Martina Berto Tbk Collaborates with PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk for Local Modern Trade Distribution Cooperation

PT Martina Berto Tbk (MBTO) has once again established a distribution cooperation with PT Tigaraksa Satria Tbk (TGKA), if previously the cooperation was for the distribution of Modern Key Accounts, this time the two large national-scale companies signed a cooperation agreement for the distribution of Local Modern Trade (LMT).

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