
To support all women to be a leader and have equal career opportunity at workplace, and Indonesia Business Coalition for Women Empowerment (IBCWE) held  the Women Lead Forum 2021 (WLF). During two days (04/7-8), this event presents 12 speakers with interesting discussion topic about gender equality at workplace, with hashtag #KantorDukungPerempuan to highlight of the event.

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Consistent In Wearing Kebaya, Dr.(H.C) Martha Tilaar to Receive Kebaya Award  

As the peak event of Kongres Berkebaya Nasional 2021, the orgianizer awarding the Anugerah Kebaya award to women who are considered giving contribution to preservation of kebaya in Indonesia. There are seven women who received the award, they are the Founder of Martha Tilaar Group Dr. (H.C) Martha Tilaar, kebaya designer Anne Avantie, kroncong singer Sundari Sukoco, former Minister of Health Nafsiah Mboy, singer Endah Laras, designer Ni Luh Djelantik, and womanpreneur Christine Dessynta.

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To Expand Its Business Development, PT Martina Berto Tbk In Collaboration with PT Penta Valent

To start its first quartal of 2021 with business development and to strengthen the product distribution in pharmacy channel, PT Martina Berto Tbk hold a collaboration with PT Penta Valent, one of the largest distributors in Indonesia. In this coorporation, PT Martina Berto Tbk will distribute its products including cosmetics, skin care, and herbal through PT Penta Valent networks that has 34 branches and provides good service to all area of Indonesia. 

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Lasmi, Jamu Seller Whom Trained by Martha Tilaar Group Successfully Bring Jamu to the Ministry

To make Indonesian women to be more capable in developing themselves, their family and surrounding and give contribution to boost national ecomony are the Beautifying Indonesia visions that Martha Tilaar Group manifest through the application of company’s pillar which is Empowering Women. Until today Martha Tilaar Group still hold this commitment and has manifested it through so many empowering women programs, such as jamu seller empowerment.

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The Visitation of Manpower Minister to Kampoeng Djamoe Organik

February (03/2) becomes one of unforgetable months for Kampoeng Djamoe Organik, because we welcome a special guest, the Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah. This visitation is her part of work visit program to increase the cooperation with private sector. For information, the Directorate General of Training and Productivity Development (Binalattas) which is under and responsible to the Ministry of Manpower is actively establish relationshios and cooperation with various parties, one of those is Martha Tilaar Group. 

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