
Jamu Virtual Training for Wandani Community 

The pandemic won’t stop Kampoeng Djamoe Organik Martha Tilaar to share their knowledge through workshop. In this October (16/10) Kampoeng Djamoe Organik (KaDO) held a workshop to make jamu/herbal drink for the member of Wandani community.

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Implementing the Company’s Pillars, Martha Tilaar Group Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Midwifery Academy of RSPAD Gatot Soebroto

Through many kind of activities based on 4 pillars of the company, which are Beauty Green, Beauty Education, Beauty Culture, and Empowering Women, Martha Tilaar Group alwyas stick to its commitment to develop community empowerment. One of the implementation of that commitments is by the signing of Memorandum of Understanding between PT Martina Berto Tbk as one of Martha Tilaar Group unit businesses  with the Midwifery Academy of RSAPD Gatot Soebroto (now transformed into STIKES) whom under the umbrella of Wahana Bhakti Karya Husana Foundation.

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Martha Tilaar Group to Receive ICMA 2020 

On its 50th anniversary, Martha Tilaar Group received a special appreciation from Indonesia Content Marketing Awards (ICMA) 2020 for The Best In-House Magazine in Private Sector. ICMA is a prestigious event held by Grid Story and Grid Voice as part of Kompas Gramedia, who give appreciation to innovation and creative brands or institutions in Indonesia who run their martketing content activity through digital platforms. 

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To Announce the Changes of Management Structure, PT Martina Berto Tbk Held the EGMS

On last Friday (10/2), PT Martina Berto Tbk has held the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMN). Held at Griya Cipta Wanita of PT Martina Berto Tbk, EGMS consists of two main agendas, which are the changes of management structure and to cater the regulations of Financial Sevices Authority (OJK) into the company’s articles of association as part of good corporate governance.

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MTG Talk, an Interactive and Informative Talk About Martha Tilaar Group’s Unit Businesses

As part of 50 years of its beauty journey, Martha Tilaar Group will held MTG Talk, a 60 minutes interactive talkshow on Instagram.  Its unit businesses such as Puspita Martha International Beauty School, PT Cedefindo, Roemah Martha Tilaar, Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, and Martha Tilaar Shop will participate  on MTG Talk with a lot of interesting informations.

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