
Wulan Tilaar and Susi Pudjiastuti Shared Insights to Survive the Business in Covid-19 Pandemic

Today, Thursday (4/06), United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia partnered with the Coordinator Ministry of Economic as National Focal Point Business and Human Rights, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), Indonesia Trade Forum (KADIN) and QLUE Smart City to hold webinar series about private sector involvement to response Covid-19.

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Martha Tilaar Group Provides Disinfection Service to Fight Covid-19

As the effort to keep ourselves healthy during the pandemic of Covid-19, washing hand and using mask are the standard procedure that we all need to follow. Not only that, cleaning and disinfecting our home and office regularly also become a new normal that we need to do. Knowing the needs of our customers to prevent Coronavirus, Martha Tilaar Group unit businesses which are PT Kreasi Boga Primatama (KBP), Martha Tilaar Shop (MTS), and PT Cedefindo now in collaboration to offer disinfection service for home, office, factory, place of wordship, markets, and other public areas. 

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Herbal Drinks of Martha Tilaar and SME Product of Roemah Martha Tilaar as the Alternative for Hampers

Sending a hampers for special day like Christmas or Ied Fitri now becoming a trend that not only sent between office colleague but young people between their circle. Various kind of hampers can be good alternatives, from casual parcel to pretty box. Besides the form of the hampers, now the contents of a hampers also more adjustable based on the trend. If last year we usually send snacks or cosmetics, now herbal drinks could be one unique hampers to choose.

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In Collaboration with and Muslimat NU, Martha Tilaar Group to Donate 1.300 Package #LawanCorona

After donated 15.000 hand sanitizers through Benih Baik and the Ministry of Health of Republic Indonesia, on Tuesday (28/4) Martha Tilaar Group give 1.300 #LawanCorona package. Still in collaboration with other institutions, this time Martha Tilaar Group hand in hand with and Muslimat NU to distribute those packages. The package that devided into 1.000 Healthy Package and 300 Basic Foods Package will be delivered for indigent people and those who work in informal sector in Jakarta and surrounding areas.

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Martha Tilaar Group to Raise Donation with IGCN to Fight Covid-19

In order to give contribution to Covid-19 outbreaks prevention in Indonesia, Indonesia Global Compact Network (IGCN), whose part as UN Global Compact, did a fund raising to provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that needed by medical staff in Indonesia. Not alone, IGCN asked its colleagues to participate in this fund rising program, one of those is Martha Tilaar Group that has been involved in IGCN activities for years.

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