
Latest News from Coelogyne Marthae Expedition

Martha Tilaar’s name has been memorialized onto an orchid species. It called Coelogyne marthae. Become one of rare orchid species, Coelogyne marthae found by Soraya Sierra from National Herbarium Netherland, an association under Leiden University, through an expedition in Borneo. Although it’s an endemic plant from Indonesia, but the plant is getting difficult to find. Therefore this orchid listed into rare orchid classification by the orchid preservation team of Bogor Botanical Garden.

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To See Blooming Coelogyne marthae in Bogor

Indonesia is a tropical country that has so many flora. One of its endemic plants is orchid. As reports by, Indonesia is home for 5.000 orchid species from 43.000 species all over the world. Between that numbers of orchids are from Indonesia, which naturally grow in the forest or cultivated by community. One of the those is a rare orchid Coelogyne marthae SEC Sierra.

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Martha Tilaar to Support Diffablepreneur in Digital Era

In corporation with Global Compact Network, Martha Tilaar Group has held “How to be a Diffablepreneur in Digital Era” on 11-12 September 2019. Held at Menara Duta, Jakarta, this workshop aim to motivate, inspire, and add skills to the disabled and their parents. Here all the participants could also widen their networking.

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Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Received Spa Wellness Tourism Award 2019

Last Monday (9/09), Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa, Martha Tilaar Centre Kuningan to be exact received Spa & Wellness Tourism Indonesia Award 2019 for Best Day Spa category.  This award is presented by the Minitry of Tourism and Indonesia Spa Tourism Association. The award was handed over by the Minister of Indonesia Tourism Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya to Ita Utamiwato as the representative of Martha Tilaar Salon Day Spa Kuningan. Hopefully this appreciation will raise Indonesia traditional spa in the world.

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Martha Tilaar Group to Encourage Entrepreneursip Among College Students

Martha Tilaar Group stands on four company pillars, Beauty Culture, Beauty Green, Beauty Education and Empowering Women. These pillars are always become reference to company’s activities, including the activity to encourage and motivate young generation to optimize their potential. Just like yesterday (8/09) when Corporate Creative and Innovation Director of Martha Tilaar Group Kilala Tilaar invited to Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java to be one of the speakers for Manners and Leadership talkshow.

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